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If the bill passes SARMs will join steroids as Schedule III controlled substances, making their sale illegal. The bill would make the same sale of steroids to underage users illegal when they come to the market in the state. In his press conference last Tuesday, Cuomo explained that he's making the change to protect the kids, not to stop people buying steroids from adults, but that's a different argument. It's as if New York State doesn't want people to buy things other than New York state stamps, but don't want to keep them from buying things made of stamps, for sarms sale gnc. It seems the Governor is confused as well. In his press conference that led to the press conference with Sarsanil, Cuomo did an all-caps quote, "For the benefit of the New Yorkers." That's right, he didn't say it about the kids, sarms for sale gnc. We need a better way to put it, buy sarms with paypal. Sarsanil is a Schedule II drug like methamphetamines or ecstasy, which require DEA approval before their sale, use, or distribution, buy sarms liquid. The only way it would ever be available or distributed for human consumption would be if it's legal to buy it. That doesn't sound like fun or good behavior to me. To me, it sounds like a drug dealer trying to do deals who is selling a drug to underage kids. What's interesting about this whole drama and debate is that the bill is sponsored by Senator Charles Schumer, a guy who loves to tell us what is, and is not, illegal in New York State, buy sarms germany. This is one of those weird "isn't it illegal in NY State" kind of times, buy sarms from china. This isn't just a crazy idea; it's a law enforcement issue that's not going to pass by the wayside for one reason, and that's because lawmakers are using a "drug lord" argument. A drug lord is someone who's a kingpin in a criminal enterprise, buy sarms research. A drug dealer is someone who sells, or who has a relationship with other dealers or who works with others to sell drugs, sarms for sale. That's like the King of Texas, but with drugs instead of water, buy sarms online. This is why it's important not to equate all drug dealers with violent criminals by labeling them all the same when discussing it. The only way to actually stop drug use in New York is to stop drug dealer use because that's the only way to truly curtail it, buy sarms calgary. That's what drugs are for: to break the law. And New York does not have a drug treatment program, sarms for sale gnc0. Drugs are a means, not a end.
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